Name: Bruno/2 years old
Family Members: Nichole & Michael, Hogan (10 y/o dog brother), & cats
How long has Bruno been in the family? 17 months
Professions: Registered Nurse and International Finance Manager
Location: Marietta, GA (recently relocated from a Chicago suburb)
5 words or phrases that best describe Bruno:
- Best cuddler
- Energetic
- Observant
- Loving
- Empathetic
What makes Bruno unique?: His courageousness
Rescue Story: In January 2014, I had agreed to foster him back in Illinois when I learned of his urgent need for placement. I was his 4th foster home in a week following a complaint call by a neighbor alleging Bruno had been beaten with a baseball bat and couldn't walk on his rear leg. A humane investigator followed the protocol for investigating and upon the 2nd visit to the home he still had not been taken to a vet, at which time the owner signed over his rights. He was taken to the vet, had a knee x-ray and was diagnosed with having an old soft tissue injury. I had agreed to foster him, not being informed he had any injury. He arrived to me as a tripod, dragging his rear right foot and he had a bad case of kennel cough. After another vet visit, physical therapy was recommended and stated if no improvement then next step would be hip x-rays. I started my own fundraising as the rescue informed me they didn't have the funds to cover his needs. He attended physical therapy 3 days a week and after reaching a plateau, x-rays of his hip were necessary.
In awe we looked at the x-rays (photo below) and wondered how this courageous boy was even getting around, let alone showing no signs of pain. His femur head was fractured off. He was also only 43 pounds when I first rescued him , with every bone visible and he had complete muscle loss in his right rear leg. We continued therapy to further build up his muscle and put on weight before surgery could be done. We saw 3 specialists and scheduled surgery in March with a very generous and talented surgeon. He had a modified FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy) surgery, his was not a clean cut FHO because he had so many fragments of bone and the fracture left him with a jagged femur bone. They cleaned out his hip socket and he had no exercise restrictions immediately following surgery. He continued physical therapy and swimming for months. His surgery and continued therapy was funded by generous individuals who continue to follow his new life. He still enjoys swimming for fun. Bruno became very attached during this time, as did we, so we foster failed him. He is very loyal and has been through 2 intense day care style training classes. He likes to spend his days curled by his momma and running in his new yard!
Bruno's x-ray, his "before" photo and chilling out during therapy.
What are your favorite pastimes with Bruno? Swimming and playing catch.
What is life like since you rescued Bruno? I have a constant companion, who is very in tune with my feelings and is never far from my side. He shows an endless amount of love and always puts a smile on my face.
Photographers Note: In first meeting Bruno, had I not read his rescue story I would never have guessed this strong boy ever had any physical issues. He ran up the deck stairs to greet me and then proceeded to run back down to race around his new back yard. He is now a healthy 68 pounds and as happy and exuberant as can be. During the shoot, his parents were trying to get him to chase his ball and after a short time, he was pooped and over it. He just wanted to lay in the cool dirt. I joked that since he just moved from the Midwest, he is not use to these Southern hot days. Don't worry Bruno, I moved here from the Midwest as well and you will adjust...just do as I did; leave activity to the mornings and evenings and the rest of the time stay inside with the A/C!