
Isabel 6/16/15

Name: Isabel/around 12 weeks old at time of the shoot

Family Members: Elizabeth & Phillip, 2 cats named Tanga & Christian

How long has Isabel been in the family? 2 weeks

Professions: Visual Merchandiser for Pottery Barn (Elizabeth), Visual Merchandise for Gap (Phillip)

Location: South Buckhead

Nicknames: Iz, Bells, Bella

5 words/phrases that best describe Isabel:

  1. I LOVE people!
  2. Ninja Cuddle
  3. Forget the treats I love my kibble
  4. Paper is my favorite
  5. I love to carry my own leash while walking with Mom & Dad

What makes Isabel unique? She loves to pick up the leash (I think because it inhibits her running) and carry it in her mouth as she runs or walks along side us. She loves to come in from her walks and just sprawl out upside down. When she moves places in our house  she brings each toy one by one to her new location, and at night she pools all her toys into her bed leaving just enough space for her. 

Rescue Story: I was not in search of a puppy or a rescue, but a friend of mine runs a rescue and she is always sharing photos on Facebook. I usually can scroll past, but I was looking through my newsfeed and saw this puppy; I just knew she was meant to be mine. She had re-shared a photo of, now Isabel from Fulton County Animal Services. I started planning, looking up how to train and raise a puppy to be a well rounded and great dog. Then I called to claim her. No one had adopted this adorable puppy because she was a pit mix. I called off work the next day to be there when they opened to adopt her. I then broke the news to Phillip that I found our new family member. He was less then enthused because of the two cats. However, once he saw her he fell in love. She has become the center of our workdays and off days. I never though I would judge my mood based on poop...but it has happened. Every sneeze, cough or struggle to go to the bathroom I am concerned. I am slowly relaxing with the support of other dog owners and Phillip. Baby Isabel is very loved and I now can't imagine my life without her. 

                                 Isabel and Elizabeth the day she was adopted. (I believe this was one of the photos that broke the news to Phillip :) )

What are your favorite pastimes with Isabel? Playing tug with her favorite octopus elephant toy and running to our favorite spot. 

What is life like since you rescued Isabel? We (Phillip & I) never thought or knew this kind of love could exist. Her sweet sighs, dreams and active plays are all I think about. I can't wait to rush home to my sweet girl so we can tackle some crazy toys, run the streets and then chill on the porch. She is all I think about and again I never thought I would be so concerned for another person or animal in the way I am with her. Her morning cuddles and mid-day plays are the best part of everyday. She is growing and learning everyday. The look she gives me when she lays in my lap just makes me melt. 

Photographers Note: Could this puppy be any more adorable? She is such a sweet heart and well behaved for her age. I am sure many people might think that all puppies get adopted really quickly from shelters and for the most part that is probably true. However, if that shelter is listing them as a Pit Bull or a Pit Bull mix, it does lesson their chances for adoption. There are many shelters across the country that have stopped listing their "guess" at the breed, so that people are choosing these dogs for their personality, size and cuteness, rather then what they perceive their behavior  might be based on what breed they are listed as. I personally think that is a fantastic idea and another great way to give these dogs a chance.  Phillip and Elizabeth are doing all the right things for this puppy. Not only did they take on a puppy (which is an adventure in itself), they are also taking on any stigma's that might come along with owning a pit bull. They have already started her training and socialization. When walking her they proudly state when asked, "She is a pit bull"!