Name: Roxy - 2 y/o
How long has Roxy been in the family? 10 months
Family Members: Kristin, Henry (beagle) & Guinness (cat)
Profession: Development for Shepherd Center
Location: Atlanta, GA.
Nickname: Foxy Roxy
5 words/phrases that best describe Roxy?
- Cuddly
- Spunky
- Wiggly
- Smart
- Playful
What makes Roxy unique? Despite having been a stray on the streets the first year of her life with no home or good care, Roxy has tremendous love and trust for all people, regardless of sex, color, race or age. She has never met a stranger.
Hello there!
Rescue Story: Months after losing my senior dog Jake to a long, tough battle with liver cancer, I went to Cobb County Animal Control to look for a new companion for myself and my seven year old beagle Henry. After visiting with a few dogs, Roxy (then Tally) beckoned me to come and see her. She was a year old, much younger then I was initially seeking. She had been picked up by animal control as a stray, no history or information. She had visible signs of having had puppies very recently (no sign of them) and was missing a lot of hair on her back and was thin. The shelter volunteer said she was overlooked because people thought she was "ugly" due to her postpartum state or "sick" due to the hair loss. The last thing I care about is what a dog looks like, and I could see she had a sweet personality, so I took her out to the yard. We bonded instantly. This happy, wiggly little girl also seemed to have a soulfulness to her that I connected with. We both had a tough year it seemed and maybe we could be good friends.
Roxy's new home!
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Snuggling! Despite being a young dog, Roxy loves nothing more then a day on the couch or sleeping in late. She gets as close as she can to me and is as happy as can be! That down time is good for me as well, I have learned to "turn off" and relax more.
What is life like since you rescued Roxy? It had been years since I had a dog as young as Roxy, and she has brought a wonderful new energy to our home. I love her enthusiasm, playfulness, sense of humor and joy. Within in two weeks of love and care, all of Roxy's hair had grown back in. She is perfectly healthy. She just needed a good diet, love, trust and security. I'm so glad I could provide that for her. She seems to love her new life with us. She goes to daycare, the dog park, has many dog and human friends, and cuddles with me every night. She's a fast learner with commands and tricks. I have brought her to Shepherd Center where I work. She did beautifully with patients in wheelchairs so I feel she may have a future as a therapy dog. My other dog Henry, an old soul by nature, has much more energy and is very playful around Roxy. She has brought new life to him too. She makes me smile and laugh every day. Roxy and I have many years ahead together of friendship, love, fun and adventures.
Photographers Note: When I pulled up to Kristin's house I was immediately greeted at the door by Roxy and Henry. Kristin is not kidding about her love of people. She was so excited for a visitor and really just wanted to be near me the whole time. Which was just sweet but also challenging when we were trying to get her to play so I could get a photo of her in action. Her thought was, "Yeah, no I will just come sit near this new person who keeps loving on me". This girl has her priorities straight. Hopefully after that visit I am now among her human friend collection! Kristin mentioned the shelter thought she was a pit/chihuahua mix, can definitely see that. She has the build of a pittie in this cute tiny little package. Such a wonderful combination. Both she and her brother were so much fun to spend time with!