Name: Sparky - 8.5-ish y/o
How long has Sparky been in the family? 2.5 years
Family Members: Charlie, Patty, Julius (10 y/o) & Jeter (Chihuahua)
Profession: Police Officer
Location: Montclair, VA
Nicknames: Buddy, Knuckles
5 words/phrases that best describe Sparky?
- Loyal
- Attentive
- Friendly
- Playful
- She is every person and every dogs friend!
What makes Sparky unique? She is very tolerant of all people and other dogs.
Sparky lounging on her sofa!
Rescue Story: Sparky was at the Prince William County animal shelter for 3 months. She was reported to be a stray and came into the shelter; maybe she was abandoned by her owner. 3 months is a long time for a dog to be housed at the shelter. My girlfriend, Patty, befriended this dog at the shelter while volunteering there. She had been adopted once and returned after one week. When she came back to the shelter she had bite marks around her head and on her legs and chest. She was attacked by another dog at the residence of the people that adopted her. During that week she had also been spayed. I went to the shelter at the request of Patty to meet the dog. I never had any desire to have this breed of dog. I was concerned about the perception of having such a dog. However, my contacts at the shelter said she was a very pleasant dog with a good disposition.
Upon my arrival at the shelter I was able to meet the dog, walk the dog, and watch her interact with other, and smaller dogs. She just wanted to play. Other employees at the shelter were overheard mentioning the extent of the bite marks she had and that they were down to the bone and would become infected. I met with the staff vet, who granted me permission to take the dog immediately , as long as I continued her treatment of antibiotics.
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Sparky has no favorite or special pastime. She just wants to be included, she wants to go. She wants to go for a walk , she wants to ride in the truck. She just wants to be included.
Photographers Note: My photo shoot with this family came together later in my scheduling process for volunteers in the area, and I am so glad that it did. After I returned from Baltimore and yes was stuck in traffic (no surprise to those who live in the area), I was able to run over to their home and get their photo shoot completed pretty quickly. It was such a pleasure to meet this sweet senior girl. She really does love all people and greets her visitors so warmly. We joked when they brought out their second dog Jeter, he was the one that you had to be weary of....I didn't try to pet him after that warning. : ) Meanwhile that tough pit bull was all love and affection. Sparky is yet another fantastic example of what great family dogs these pups are. I am so glad she is spending her later years in a loving home and out of a shelter.