Name/Age: River - 4-5 y/o & Eva - 3 y/o
Family Members: Suzanne & Cesar + plus a host of foster dogs
How long have River & Eva been in the family? River - 3.5 yrs & Eva - 3 yrs
Professions: Suzanne: RN/Nurse Practitioner & Cesar: Master Electrician
Location: Rincon, GA.
Nicknames: River: My Boo Eva: Pretty Girl
River (left) & Eva (right)
5 of the best words/phrases that describe River & Eva?
Adores his Mom
Loves Puppies
Let females boss him around
Reassures River when he is stressed (the people at Doggies Day care call her, River’s Emotional Support dog.
What makes River & Eva unique? They are both loving dogs, while River is also protective & Eva is kind.
River striking a pose!
Side sit with a smile from Eva
Rescue stories: River was found as a stray in Savannah. He spent a couple months in Animal Control and was a staff favorite. If I didn’t agree to foster him, he would have been put down. Eva was found with her brother as puppies, about 6 weeks old. We fostered both of them and kept Eva.
River getting ready to go to his foster then forever home.
Puppy Eva
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Probably hanging out & playing at home. They both enjoy when I bring a new foster home. River & Eva have been very good at teaching manners to puppies.
What is life like since you rescued River & Eva? River & Eva have filled my life. I did not think I was a dog person until I started to foster dogs. I (Suzanne) have learned a lot about dog behavior and become a strong handler of dogs; when I used to be scared of them because I was bitten as a child.
Social Media: Follow the Instagram Hashtags: #mybeauriver & #prettyevagirl
Photographers Notes: Suzanne, Cesar, River & Eva were my first volunteers for the Savannah trip. 4 of our 5 volunteers were meeting me in beautiful Bonaventure Cemetery. Suzanne had mentioned that River gets a little excited and generally is better with strange women then men. Well I would say River, Eva and I became fast friends. (photo evidence below) These two were just the sweetest and paid the photographers tax with plenty of kisses during the shoot. We had such a great time and I loved hearing about all the fosters that have been successfully adopted from their home, with River & Eva playing key roles in socialization for those pups. In fact, Suzanne was going to be picking up another foster later that day. Cesar was sweet to brag about his wife and her successes with finding homes for all these dogs (I can’t remember the exact number but it was high). All this from a women who use to be afraid of dogs and overcame those fears to be a dog lover! What a great parallel to what we are trying to do with this project, because unfortunately fear is a big driver of the opinions that are formed about these types of dogs and with every story we are working to help people over come those fears and change their perceptions.
Photographer covered in kisses!