
Jambo - 2/9/19

Name/Age: Jambo - 5 y/o

Family Members: Elizabeth, Taylor, Luke (Human Brother - 18) Animal Siblings: Raven- Lab Mix, Chloe - Chihuahua Mix, Simba - Mix Breed, Macy- Calico Cat, Punky- Black Cat.

How long has Jambo been in the family? 2 years

Profession: Mortgage Underwriter

Location: Decatur, GA.

Nicknames: Jammers, Bubba, Bubs, Jams

5 words/phrases that best describe Jambo?

  1. Goofy

  2. Playful

  3. Snuggly

  4. Sweet

  5. Sometimes psycho (LOL)

What makes Jambo unique? He cannot stand for things to be out of place. Everything has to be in its right place or he will bark at it. If you bring something in to the house and set it on the table he will bark at it, if something falls over he will bark at it, if you lay something on a piece of furniture that is not normally there he will bark at it. (See, sometimes psycho, LOL)

Jambo smile!

Rescue Story: So I have always followed Lifeline Animal Project and their adoption pages. We always wanted a pittie but already having 3 dogs (all saved from the shelter) we just couldn’t see bringing in a new dog.  Dogs would always jump out at me online but when I scrolled to this guy’s picture one day I just couldn’t let it go. My partner said “let’s get him”.  So the next day we went to the shelter for a visit.  We were told he came in as a stray and was very underweight. When she brought him out to us he really was just detached.  Didn’t care we were there and didn’t have much of a reaction at all. The lady at the shelter called him “a weird little guy” because he just wanted to be left alone. My partner and I said that no one would probably ever adopt him so we just couldn’t leave him there. He was thin, covered in scars and clearly never loved. When we brought him home everything scared him. If you picked up a toy to play with him he would cower and groan so it was obvious he was not well treated. He would cower at the slightest arm movements or if you moved toward him too fast. It took him months just to wag his tail and I’ll never forget the day he finally did.  We had gone out to run errands and when we came home he jumped up on me and I got the slightest of tail wagging and just broke out in tears.  We still get so excited when he wags his tail!  Now he’s a happy, thriving, tail wagging big ole love bug!!!

Home Forever Home!

What is your favorite pastime as a family? Going for walks and visiting pet friendly stores and other pet friendly locations.

What is life like since you rescued Jambo? I cannot imagine life without him. I’ve been able to show people that pittie type dogs do not have to be feared. They can be loved and they definitely can return the love no matter what they came from. He brings so much life and joy to us with his crazy antics!

Photographers note: I met up with Elizabeth & Jambo at a park not far from their home. If I am telling the truth I may have let out a little squeal when I got out of the car and saw little Jambo across the parking lot waiting with his Mom. He is just the cutest little low rider nugget, complete with his own bright blue bow tie. (I obviously love a dog in a bow tie). Jambo was a little unsure of the whole process at first and a little nervous. I gave him plenty of space during our time together and he was of course the most comfortable when his Mom was close by and touching him. The best part was when he decided he was done. He just basically said enough and went trotting back to his car, with Mom in pursuit. He went right to the drivers side of the car and waited for his Mom to catch up and let him in. Ok Jambo, I get the hint! :)