
Zooey - 3/24/19

Name/Age: Zooey - 7 y/o

Family Members: Diana & her sister Missy (12 y/o - Min Pin Mix)

How long has Zooey been in the family? I adopted her in January of 2014

Professions: Social Worker in a hospital

Location: Acworth, GA

Nicknames: Big-Girl & Zo-Zo

5 words/phrases that best describe Zooey?

  1. Happy

  2. Attentive

  3. Loves to snuggle

  4. Sunbather

  5. Affectionate

What makes Zooey unique? Definitely loves bringing a smile to your face, she can always sense if you are feeling down and out. I also bring her to the hospital as a therapy dog she loves spreading smiles to patients and staff.

Enjoying her spot in the sun.

Rescue Story: I came home from work one day, logged onto Facebook and my vets office posted a picture of Zooey (her name was “Dreamer” at the time). I just had to go meet her. Zooey and Missy met and have been inseparable ever since. The previous owner was an elderly lady who couldn’t care for her anymore. I adopted her that day and have no regrets!

January 2014 was when we had the snow storm, I couldn't get out of work due to the storm so my mom had driven to my home to let Missy and Zooey out. This was the first time that my mom would be meeting Zooey and she was nervous to say the least due to her being a pit bull. Since Zooey was still getting acclimated to my home and Missy, I left Zooey in my bedroom with the door closed. My mom said she took a bag of treats upstairs and opened the door to let her out. My mom said at first she and Zooey were hesitant but my mom was sitting on the stairs holding a treat. After Zooey ate her treat it was "love at first sight" Zooey wouldn't stop sharing kisses of excitement.

Zooey’s start to her second chapter.

What is your favorite pastime as a family? When the weather is nice we love to go on walks, or go hiking. Zooey loves to sun bathe so on nice days we love being outside gardening. When I have time to volunteer with her at the hospital, just seeing the way peoples faces light up when they see her is amazing. Zooey has a natural smile you can see in her face the pride she has!
What is life like since you rescued Zooey? My heart is full. I have always had dogs ever since I was little, I don’t know what life would be like without the love they share. Zooey and Missy are my best friends.

Sisters & BFF’s!

Photographers Notes: Not all stories need to have a tragic beginning, this sweet girl has been one of the lucky ones and has been loved by two families. However, that doesn’t change the fact that because of how she looks people will still make assumptions about her. People like to use a dogs “back story” as a justification for their judgement but in reality it’s because they look a certain way that they are judged.

Zooey is just the happiest, sweetest dog. She greeted me enthusiastically and came over often to visit and provide complimentary face washing during the shoot. She reluctantly ran around a bit for me but just as her Mom said, she much rather plop down on her bed and enjoy the sunshine! Diana had shared with me some photos of her from the day before when she was volunteering at the hospital (we shared those photos the day of her photo shoot on our social media pages). You can see in her beautiful eyes and smiling wrinkly face (definitely some Shar-pei in this girl), that she loves her job!