
Maggie - 4/21/19

Name: Maggie but her full name is Magnolia Mayflower (named for the state flowers of MS where she was adopted and MA where I used to live)

Family Members: Just Maggie and me (Michelle)

How long has Maggie been in the family? Since August 2014. Five years this year!

Profession: Neuropsychologist. I work with people recovering from brain injury

Location: Atlanta, GA.

Nicknames: Maggzarella, Mags, Mag, Pie, Pea

5 words/phrases that best describe Maggie?

  1. Independent

  2. Athletic

  3. Human-like

  4. Too smart for MY own good

  5. Ridiculous

What makes Maggie unique? Maggie has some funny little quirks--for example, she's afraid of the oven being on! Her funniest quirk is that she really enjoys sitting and staring. I'll turn around and there she is, sitting in some random spot and staring at me! It's creepy and funny. I started her own Instagram @starring_staring_maggie to capture some of these weirdo moments.

I believe I can fly……

Rescue Story: My ex and I decided to adopt a dog when we lived in Jackson, MS. We went to a local no-kill rescue--Community Animal Rescue and Adoption (CARA spotted Maggie in a kennel with her sister. She and her sister had been dropped off in a box at the doorstep along with their two siblings. Maggie was at the rescue for about four months before we met and fell in love with her. Her sister got adopted as well but, last I knew, her two siblings were still at the shelter. Maggie initially was very quiet but we got her out of her shell with lots of tennis balls, filled Kongs, and time at the CARA dog park. We have also stayed in touch with her CARA family all these years! Maggie and I moved to Atlanta in July 2016 and love the Atlanta lifestyle!

Heading to her forever home

What is your favorite pastime as a family? Two summers ago I took Maggie to dock jumping lessons and she was in a couple competitions! Her furthest jump was 18'9"!!! I was so proud of her, especially as all the other dogs in the competition were purebred and I am betting the majority were non-rescues. We will probably do more jumping again this summer. She even has a special shark collar to wear when she's jumping.

What is life like since you rescued Maggie? Oh gosh! My entire life revolves around Maggie. Since it's just me, I make sure to plan my day to ensure I can still give Maggie a good walk at the end of the day. I also plan my weekends to make sure we get good quality time together--long walks (2+ miles) and dog parks (we are annual members at Fetch!). Maggie and I have had a lot of training (most recently, Intermediate at Atlanta Humane Society) so she walks really well on leash which has been a game changer! We love walking in our neighborhood together.

It's such an interesting way of being; to be entirely responsible for the life, happiness, and well-being of another living being for its entire life! Maggie will never "grow-up" and she will always need me to take care of her and love her. That is not lost on me! I want to make sure Maggie is happy every day, especially considering that she was once a quiet, scared pup in a rescue.

Photographers Note: I met up with Maggie & Michelle at Fetch, a members dog park in the city of Atlanta. It was so much fun to see Maggie in her element, which meant being all about the tennis ball. Even got to speak to other pittie parents and do some recruiting. How great is it to have our signature bow tie shot with wings? It was so much fun shooting there. After Maggie was tired out a bit, we went for a walk down the street to capture some images in front of all the great graffiti art that is in that area. Maggie was such a good girl and game for anything. Her training definitely showed through but aside from that, she is just a sweetie. The bond she and Michelle has is just about a woman and her dog, it’s not about what breed someone thinks she is or how she looks. Just like any other dog she is a loved family member, albeit with a serious vertical jump! :)