
Cena - 1/17/21

Name/Age: Cena (like John Cena) - 2 y/o

Family Members: Christina

How long has Cena been in the family? Since April 2020

Profession: Office & Business Manager

Location: Atlanta, GA (Chamblee/Brookhaven area)

Nicknames: Bubba, Bubbas, Cena Bubbas

5 words/phrases that best describe Cena?

  1. Quirky

  2. Energetic

  3. Dopey

  4. Curious

  5. Side-eye master (you should see some of the judgmental faces he gives me!!)

What makes Cena unique? There are quite a few of his quirky behaviors that make him special. One that cracks me up is when he just sits on me, anywhere, anytime. I’ve been laying on my bed, and he’ll come and just plop down on my chest. He’s also sat on my knees. It’s so weird but so funny. Another is the “side eye” looks mentioned above. He is the king of looks!!

Hi-Fives All Around!

Rescue Story: My co-worker is a volunteer with the Atlanta Humane Society, and back in February, I had mentioned to her that I was thinking about fostering. Fast forward and COVID was causing shelters to close. Cena was one of the last dogs at a specific shelter. My co-worker sent me a picture of him and asked if I was serious about fostering. I immediately said yes. I didn’t ask how old he was, if he was house trained, etc. I saw a dog in need and knew I had to help. I was going through a break-up and he was the light I needed. The day I met him, he hugged me!!! I have pictures of this special moment. I had him about a week and a half and then brought him to a family for a meeting because they were interested in adopting him. They filed the paperwork and came to get him a few days later. I cried 10 times the day he left but knew they could provide a yard and more attention for him than I could. Unfortunately, about 5 days later, I get a text from the family saying it wasn’t going to work out. His mouthiness was scaring their two children. He gets returned to the Humane Society while I was pet sitting another foster for a weekend then he came back to my apartment. Another week passes and another person inquires about him. I introduce them and something just felt off. After that, I made a pro/con list to adopting him—there never really was a question at this point though. I decided to adopt Cena and we made it official on 4/27/20. We rescued each other and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hugs for his Forever Mom!

What is your favorite pastime as a family? I love taking Cena in the car, no matter where we’re going. He gets so excited to stick his head out of the window and go on adventures with me. I’ve taken him to Miami (twice), Charleston, Orlando, Gainesville, FL, and many places in Georgia for hiking adventures.

What is life like since you rescued Cena? My life is better with him in it. The looks he gives me throughout the day make me laugh and smile. I bought a townhouse because I adopted him!! My 1/1 apartment just was not cutting it. I am more active outside on a daily basis because I am taking him on walks. I frequently take him to dog parks to socialize him. I became really good friends with a neighbor from the apartment because we both had dogs. I can’t remember life before adopting him.

Photographers Note: I met up with these two on a blustery day in a great park that is tucked between several office buildings. The first thing I noticed about Cena was her gorgeous eyes and beautiful marking; this guy is handsome! Then comes the goofiness and you are far less intimidated by his good looks! LOL

Cena is our first “Covid Pup” volunteer and I know there will be many more. I love how so many dogs in need benefited from this pandemic and so many people in need did as well. What can lift your spirits more then a goofy dog that wants to play with you and get you out of your head? Then that same buddy wants to go for a walk to drain some energy…great excuse for fresh air and exercise! Finally you get to end your day with a cuddle session and the stress of the day just melts away. I know these dogs that were adopted over the last year have done wonders for their owners mental well being and in return they are in loving forever homes. The bond & love between Cena & Christina is a perfect example!