Name/Age: Treble - 3 y/o & Poppy - 3 y/o
Family Members: Bailey & Ryan
How long have Treble & Poppy been in the family? Treble has been in the family 1.5 years & Poppy about a year.
Professions: Bailey – Forensic Accountant
Location: Atlanta, GA.
Nicknames: Treble: Trebs, Trebbie, Trebster
Poppy: Pops, Pop Pop
5 of the best words/phrases that best describe Treble & Poppy?
What makes Treble & Poppy unique? Treble sleeps on his back with his legs in the air. Poppy rarely barks or howls.
Treble’s joy at the dog park.
Poppy’s joy also on display!
Catch me if you can sister!
Rescue Story: We rescued Treble from Dekalb County Animal Shelter. We went there to just have a look at the dogs and when we met him in a private room he was extremely shy towards us but eventually warmed up. When he was put back in his cage he continued to look for us and we fell in love with him so we knew we had to adopt him. His history before the shelter is unknown as he was picked up as a stray. Some of the volunteers at the shelter suggested he was feral but can’t be certain. It was very unique to have a really shy dog but it has been an adventure to see him come out of his shell and be a normal, happy dog.
We adopted Poppy from Fulton County Animal Shelter. When we first met Poppy, we did a meet and great with her foster parents and agreed to do a trial run with their Foster-to-Adopt option. The first night she made herself at home and I think we knew day 1 we were going to keep her. Poppy and Treble are inseparable now.
Treble at the shelter.
Are you my forever family?
Their first night together!
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Taking Treble on our first beach trip and watching him enjoy the breeze. Taking Poppy to the dog park for the first time and watching her and Treble get the zoomies together.
What is life like since you rescued Treble & Poppy? My life now revolves around my dogs and I always look for dog events in the area and take them with me to as many places they can go too. Its changed for the better and I now spend more time outside and do more fun things outside of my job.
Social Media: Instagram @Treble_and_poppy
Photographers Note: I always love a full circle story. I actually met Poppy back in August of 2020 when she was being fostered. Her foster siblings Gracie & Prince’s stories were being featured and as I always do when volunteers have bully breed fosters; I snap a couple photos & share them on our social channels to help them get adopted. Seeing her now with her forever family, there is just a sense of comfort and calmness about her. I am so happy that she found such a wonderful family and one that included her BFF & brother Treble.
Treble is in fact a very shy boy, he really didn’t know what to think of the camera, the process or me. He is super sweet but wasn’t thrilled until…..we took them to the dog park. This dog park is huge and as soon as Treble entered his entire demeanor changed. He was 100% happy and joy. Ears up, tail up, racing around just having a blast; such a transformation. I am usually not a fan of doing our shoots in a dog park for many reason (lots of distractions being #1) but this is one time I am thrilled we did it there. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to capture the true Treble.