Name/Age: Remington - 7.5 y/o & Peach - approx. 4 y/o
Family Members: Sarah - Mom, Fig - Other Mom & Bishop - black lab mix
How long have Remington & Peach been in the family? Remington for 7 years & Peach for 6 months
Professions: Sarah - Pet store manager & Fig - Dog Groomer
Location: Guyton, GA.
Nicknames: Remington: Rem-tin, Remy, Remyboi, Fatboy, Rambo, Remy-tin-tin-tin, Blockhead, Blocky
Peach: Peachy, Peachykins, Peachy Peach
5 words that best describe Remington & Peach?
Eager to Please
What makes Remington & Peach unique? Remington has 3 different problems. He has EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Deficiency,) a heart murmur, and hypothyroidism! However, he is relatively healthy and the best boy. Although Peach was abused severely, she is the sweetest and cuddliest dog you will ever meet!
Remington - so handsome!
Sweet & happy Peach!
Rescue Story: I was looking for a pit bull for my ex, and I saw Remington on a local page, after going to pick him up I knew he was my soul dog. He lasted 1 night with my ex before coming and staying with me. He has been with me every since that day.
Adoption Day!
Peach was found by Guardians of Rescue, on her death bed. They tagged her as dead, and when they went to pick her up she whimpered and they felt a faint pulse. They rushed her to the emergency room. She had been starved, beaten, and left for dead. Fixing the Boro took her in, where I (Sarah) first saw her. She started out as a foster, but immediately ended up in our family.
Peach in the ER!
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Remington loves exploring. We have taken him on many mountain trips and to the beach. My favorite one is probably our last mountain trip in 2021 where he was able to run in fresh water mountain streams.
The first time we took Peach to Skidaway Island was so important. She was so confident and happy. She is way more confident with Sarah’s other dog, Bishop!
What has life been like since you rescued Remington & Peach? Remington saved my life, easily. I was a young college student, with what felt like no purpose in life. He changed all of that. He is what encouraged me to learn about pet nutrition, and how a healthy diet can truly benefit their daily lives. He is my best friend and my soul dog.
Peach has taught us so much patience. She was so ready to love, but unsure if she could trust us at first. She has shown us what it’s like to truly have a RESCUE dog do a 180, all because of love. She absolutely loves exploring (as long as she is with Remington or Bishop.) She gets so excited to eat that she has to run as fast as possible to her bowl. She is the perfect little southern belle, and we couldn’t imagine life without her little snorty self. She is our true house hippo.
Social Media: Instagram: @theloganwoofers
Photographers Note: First Peach, another amazing come back story and to look at her you would never guess she is the same dog from the photo above. She was so happy to see all the people and even went up to a little girl to say Hello. From everything Sarah & Fig said her comfort level at Wormsloe was a pretty significant milestone . I can’t forget to mention this girl was ready for photos, she was even wearing pink pawlish!! Then you have her big lug brother, Remington. Ears & smile for days. Seems to be trotting through life without a care in the world. They both just had the best time & again it’s always so wonderful to meet people who are so dedicated to rescue and will take these difficult cases with patience & love…I am sensing a trend with these Savannah volunteers.