
Maurice - 3/20/15

Name: Maurice/ 4 1/2-ish years old 

Family Members: Leslie & dog brother Banjo (8 years old)

Location: Royal Oak, MI.

Nicknames: Mr. Pit, Mo Man, Mooreese, Space Cowboy, Gangster of Love

5 of the best words/phrases that describe Maurice:

  1. Cuddle Monster
  2. Silly
  3. Gregarious
  4. Shameless
  5. Loyal

What makes Maurice unique? Maurice wins over everyone he meets and always seems to know the one person in the room  that isn't sure about him.  So he quietly sneaks up into their lap before they even know it!


Rescue Story: Maurice was on one of the rescue sites I follow as being one of many dogs that were going to be euthanized from the Inkster, MI pound that was shutting down. The group Homefurever was looking for fosters. I had just lost my beloved dog Rossi in July and thought it was time to find Banjo a new friend since he was very depressed without his lifelong buddy. Maurice was very thin, dirty and sick when I brought him home. I fostered him for 4 months, each time I dropped him at an adoption event I would cry and wanted to make sure I got a say in who took him. My family knew before me that I was going to have yet another foster failure, Banjo was my first! (Banjo was rescued from a kill shelter outside of Atlanta when she was visiting her sister - the photographer)

All I know about his back story is that he was picked up as a stray with another dog and the owner claimed the other dog but not him, even though their collars matched. Based off his appearance I would be surprised if he had a 'steady' home. He was very beat up and has an affinity to wine and beer that I liken to his time 'on the streets'. (I don't give this to him mind you but he'll try to sneak some if someone is having one of those beverages at our house).

                                          A before and after shot of Maurice, where he was recently featured in the Top 30 rescues for HomeFurEver. 

What is your favorite pastime as a family? We love to take long walks around Royal Oak and we especially like to walk to the downtown area. Maurice likes to say 'Hi' to everyone we pass, which is sometimes welcome and sometimes not! He definitely changed how  pitbulls are viewed in our general neighborhood since everyone is so used to seeing him now. 

What is life like since you rescued Maurice? (both him and you) Busy!! Maurice requires a lot of exercise, he's either on or off. He is the biggest couch potato you'll ever meet and loves to cuddle but he definitely needs his walks to get his extra energy out. He is the consummate host and loves it when I have people over. We have a saying that he's consulting his "Pitbull Playbook" to win over anyone that comes through the door. Among other things, I now have to make sure all my shoes (and my guests shoes) are always put away since he likes to play with them, which entails whipping his head around with them in his mouth. A game of chase always ensues if he gets a hold of one! Maurice enjoys anything soft to lay on, including his brother! He makes me laugh every day due to his silly antics and I wouldn't trade him or Banjo for the world!

Photographers Note: You all may recognize Maurice, who is also mentioned in the 'About' section on this website. He was one of the many reasons I started this project and because of that it was important to me to feature him here. His story is one that truly supports the forgiving nature of these dogs. He was one persons trash and became a true treasure to my sister and our family. 

I also want to point out all the fantastic work my sister has done with fighting against BSL in her area. She was  asked to speak in her community when BSL was being proposed (it didn't pass) and then again in a neighboring community to where we grew up. She has been yelled/cursed at during and after these talks but she remains calm and continues to only speak the facts of why this legislation should never be passed. For this and many other things, I am very proud to call her my sister and friend! 

                                                                                                         Maurice consulting the "Pitbull Playbook"