Name: Wilbur - 1.5-2 y/o
Family Members: Shelly & Trey, Daisy (Cairn Terrier - 12 y/o)
How long has Wilbur been in the family? Since January 23rd, 2016
Professions: Nanny & Server at a Mexican Restaurant
Location: Smyrna
Nicknames: Wilbo Baggins, Wilbo, Easy Weeby, WiWo, WiWi
5 words that best describe Wilbur:
- Relaxed
- Friendly
- Playful
- Cuddlebug
- Loving
What makes Wilbur unique? His ability to acclimate. Having come from a shelter, I was nervous that Wilbur may struggle to acclimate into a home environment. But from the very first day, Wilbur fit right in like he was meant to be with us. He is an absolutely perfect apartment dog, with just the right amount of energy and relaxation to fit in with our sometimes crazy schedules. He was meant to be part of the family.
Full speed ahead.....
Rescue Story: As soon as Trey and I moved in together, I knew I wanted to rescue a dog. I knew that I wanted an adult dog and was actually leaning towards a senior dog. However, when I arrived at Fulton County Animal Services I was immediately introduced to Wilbur, as he was one of their long-time residents. From the get-go, I noticed how calm and mellow he was in the kennel, not desperate for attention like dogs often are in these environments. He made eye contact with me, licked my fingers and stole my heart. I met a few dogs that day, but when Trey and I brought Daisy to the shelter a few days later for a meet and greet, we knew Wilbur was the one. He was nothing but respectful to our old lady and we knew he was ours.
Look at the big I HAVE A NEW HOME smile!
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Wilbur loves going to the river! He has some hip issues so I was naturally nervous the first time he jumped in the water but this boy can swim! He loves making new friends at the river, humans and canine alike.
What is life like since you rescued Wilbur? Wilbur has instilled such a sense of responsibility and purpose in me that I never had before. Every morning at 9:30, I can be sure to be woken up by the sound of Wilbur coming up the stairs ready to go outside and get his day started. So much of my free time revolves around this dog and I could not be happier. Getting paid is so much more exciting for me now because I can't wait to spend money on treats and goodies for this sweet guy who could not be more deserving.
Photographers Note: I met up with this family at a great park, which happen to have a very spacious dog park. So for Wilbur it was party time! He had a blast racing around and if you saw some of the outtakes he even found a couple good sources of mud to lay in! It was so funny when I went back to view the photos from the shoot to make the selection; most of the photos of Wilbur in the dog park he was half in or half out of the frame...just racing around with that big pittie smile! Which was the reason I chose the photo of him above, just racing into the frame...I thought it was appropriate for this little speed demon.
Now I had to add this bonus photo in so you could see pretty clearly just how much mud sweet Wilbur got into that day! He was pretty filthy when he was done and he still had to get in the car to go home!
Time for a beverage break!