Name/Age: Mr. Biggs - maybe 7-ish??
Family Members: Eve, Pat, Frank (dog 8 years), Mr. Cheeto (cat, unknown age), Stinky (cat, unknown age)
How long has Mr. Biggs been in the family? 2 years – foster for 18 months, adopted for the last 6
Profession: Pat – Realtor, Eve – journalist/grad student
Location: Savannah, GA // Washington D.C.
Nicknames: Biggums, Bigglet, Boogly
5 words/phrases that best describe Mr. Biggs:
A Mess (LOL)
What makes Biggs unique? He can sleep anywhere with his tongue out.
Livin the pibble life!
Rescue Story: I was a foster parent with Renegade Paws Rescue and I was really stuck on Bullet (now Biggs’s) story. He had been shot and the rescue had issued multiple pleas for a foster parent. I had other foster dogs – and a full house – but I just felt like I had to help him.
Foster Fail!!! Happy Ever After!
What is your favorite pastime as a family? Snuggles! We drink our morning coffee together on the couch while snuggled up together!
What is life like since you rescued Mr. Biggs? I’m in grad school now so there are lots of study snuggles. We wear our matching sweatshirts to do homework at coffee shops and we treat ourselves to lots of puppuccino’s. Biggs is a city boy now. We take walks around our DC neighborhood multiple times a day and he ONLY poops on sidewalks now. Grass is not for him.
Photographers Note: Two words to describe Biggs, Handsome lug! What a big good looking boy and such a sweet boy too. When he showed up with his Mom in his matching sweatshirt, I may have audible gasped at the cuteness. To think someone shot this poor boy….yet another example of the resilience of dogs. Every reason not to trust human beings and Biggs just goes through life with a big pibble smile happy to be out and about with his Mom. I just hope more people will look beyond a dogs past and see them in the present because the pups sure don’t want to spend time back there; they just want to move ahead and live in the now.